eoLife Essential Oil Blends Reference Guide

How many of my doTERRA loving friends look up things in their reference book and then wonder... what blend is THAT? Here is your solution! And yes, I am just sharing it with whoever it will help. You don't have to subscribe, opt-in or promise me your first-born child. You can just use it and love it. 

Cheering YOU on! 
Rosie G



Restore Your Soul


Who's with me and yearns for some restoration? Well, this post is for you. Fill yourself up so you can be more for you and for those around you. 

❤️   Passion blend emotionally it is ideal for those looking for more passion & zest in life. Use Passion to rekindle your heart and spirit  ❤️   When life starts to feel stale and predictable, we often lose our vigor, purpose, and passion for living. Whether you are looking to revive enthusiasm for your current circumstances, or reach beyond your comfort zone, doTERRA Passion Inspiring Blend can help give you the extra spark necessary to rekindle the flame of excitement in your life. doTERRA Passion pulls the renewing properties found in herbal and spice essential oils to create a chemical profile that is high in esters and phenols. These chemical components allow the user to benefit from warming and rejuvenating properties. If it is time to extinguish feelings of boredom and disinterest and ignite your creative, innovative, and daring side, doTERRA Passion will boldly lead the way to a renewed, purposeful life.  ❤️

"Patchouli supports individuals in becoming fully present in their physical body. It balances those who feel devitalized and who seek to escape the body through spiritual pursuits or other forms of distraction. It is grounding and stabilizing. While using Patchouli, individuals feel more grounded and fluid. This oil calms fears and nervous tension, stilling the heart and mind in preparing the spirit and body for deeper union. It also helps individuals to stay in touch with the earth."  

❤️ "Juniper Berry assists those who fear the dark or unknown aspects of themselves. It helps individuals to understand that those things they fear are intended to be their teachers. Instead of hiding from what they do not understand, Juniper Berry encourages individuals to learn the lesson and face their fear. These fears often live within the unexplored areas of the Self. Juniper Berry acts as a catalyst by helping individuals access and address those fears and is address those fears. It acts as a guide on the path toward wholeness. from "Emotions & Essential Oils, 2nd Edition: A modern Resource for Healing" by Enlighten  

Can you dream?

What if I told you that there are spots in my team - connections with thriving and successful leaders - where people who have been building a business in doTERRA need to step out for a while due to life circumstances? 

What if I told you that someone who connects well with others, knows how to get things done with a positive attitude and wants to help others improve their physical, emotional and physical wellness is who is really successful in doTERRA? 

What if I told you that hundreds of thousands of us actually do all work together - that this is like no other company you have ever worked for? 

What if I told you that you really can create time and financial freedom - it is not a matter of "if" but it is just a matter of "when"? 

What if all you needed to get started in one of these spots was to let me know you want to know more - no strings attached? Because honestly, when you step into a position where you will be leading an existing team, we all will need to be sure that you are the exact right person for that position. 

What if I told you that we already have an AMAZING and FUN new customer learning system? So it is not all on you to train new oil users? 

What if I told you we have a proven system to train and launch anyone who does come forward and wants to build a business - either for some supplemental income or full-time? 

What if I told you that you can create a residual income in 3-5 years that will be just as if you have $1,000,000 in the bank giving you 5% interest for your retirement? 

Can you dream in the daytime? It's not a dream. 

doTERRA is the world's largest essential oil company - debt-free, humanitarian and globally minded, education and science based and has a company wide, unheard of in network marketing 65% retention rate.  (That is because we really DO have lots of loyal customers and the most amazing consumable product that truly changes lives)   That is true and real residual income.

Now,  I could do something here like say, "Hey, give me your email address and I will send you the doTERRA's income disclosure statement".  But I don't work that way :)  Check it out here ----> https://doterra.com/US/en/flyers-opportunity-and-earnings-disclosure-summary  and then just fill out the form below if you have dreams you want to have come true and think you'd be a good fit for our leadership team. 

trauma is a fact of life

I was doing some research about the emotional aspects of an oil and here's some of what I wrote:

- takes the hurt soul by the hand
- aids those with a history of trauma, self-destruction, loss or abuse
- restores confidence
- gives individual strength to carry on
- takes to new heights of spiritual consciousness
- teaches gratitude for trials
- raises the individual from turmoil
- teaches that wounds can be healed
- lends it's warrior spirit so one can face adversities with courage and determination

Trauma is a fact of life. War zones are closer than we admit. Not to minimize the combat that soldiers engage in to defend freedoms in any way. Veterans and their families deal with the painful aftermath every.single.day. And there are "war zones" right in our own neighborhoods. In our own homes. In our own minds. 

One in five Americans has been molested. One in Five. That's 20%. And that is only what has been reported & recorded. One in four grew up with alcoholics. One in three couples have engaged in physical violence.*

What can we do? How can someone who has experienced loss, grief and trauma overcome? Or just live? Feel alive? I am no therapist or mental health professional. There are many layers of support needed for complete healing and restoration. But did you read the emotional aspects of that essential oil I was researching? I am a Certified Grief Support Specialist. I am an aromatherapist and I do know how aroma can powerfully shift someone OUT of despair and overwhelm. I know how aroma can train our minds to move from one emotion to another one - so why not leverage that power for good? 

Here's the deal.  I have experienced trauma. I have experienced loss. I am one of the statistics.  I am one of multiple statistics. I have been frozen with fear - actually terror - literally frozen. Can not get any muscle in my body to move not matter how hard I try to muscle through it. Cannot force my body to draw breath. Paralyzed. From the movie in my mind. I know that my silence is not helping anyone.  I started working on myself with essential oils decades before I sought to help others and became certified. I am still walking recovery paths.  I am still peeling back layers.  And one of my most powerful tools in my tool chest are my essential oils. 

The oil I was researching is dubbed "the oil of pain". Its name is helichrysum and it is one of the most valuable and expensive essential oils. I swipe a tiny bit under my nose and shift. And can breathe. And can take a step. 

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
— Marianne Williamson

I have held back from sharing with you about how much these essential oils have impacted me emotionally. I have held back because I have been afraid of judgement. Judgement about my past. Judgement about your perception of people who sell things. And I am sorry. I am sorry to all of you who are quietly suffering in your war zone.  Because I was afraid of the loud ones. But I will not be silenced by fear and judgement any more - because I know you are there. In the dark. I can feel you just like when I grope for the lightswitch in the pitch black. I know you are there and I want to show you ways to move closer to turning on your own lightswitch.  And then you will help someone else learn how to move.  And together we will all be brighter. 

Cheering YOU on!
Rosie G

*The Body Keeps The Score, Bessel Van Der Kolk, MD

The FAV Balm recipe

I have posted a few balm recipes over the years on my retired blog and tried a bunch but this is the one that everyone loves.  You can use it for your lips, elbows, cuticles, knees, heels or just to soften your hands.  It works as a subtle lip gloss and as a nice perfume. I've even used it to help rub out a charley horse in my shoulder... Almost everything a girl could need all in one little tin! (by the way, the guys love it too - especially when you use citrus oils.  And you can buy twist up "chap stick" containers so it looks more manly) If you haven't made it to one of my Makin' Balms classes, you are missing out.  But just in case you are not anywhere near my classes, here is the recipe so you can try it out.  

In the class, I go over about a dozen different doTERRA essential oils and talk about their therapeutic benefits and basics of blending.  Each person creates their own essential oil blend in a 1 oz metal tin, I melt up a batch of the balm and pour some into each person's little tin.  They stir them up and everyone goes home with their own personal balm.  Good times! 

DIY Balm with doTERRA Essential Oils

Basic Balm recipe

 3 TB grated white beeswax
(can use yellow beeswax pellets, but it takes a little longer to melt)

1/2 c apricot oil
(or oil of your choice, ie: apricot, almond, sunflower, etc)

2 TB fractionated coconut oil 
 (or oil of your choice, ie: fractionated coconut oil, jojoba, grapeseed, etc)


Melt in double boiler*, remove from heat, add oils and pour into containers.  It makes about 7 tins per batch and I recommend 8-10 drops of oil per 1oz metal tin. 

Use for lips, elbows, heels, cuticles, hands or on any dry skin.  Wonderful as a perfume balm too.  

(For an entire batch of “Ellie's blend” which is an amazing smelling blend for a skin support balm and also for hand or foot warming balm, I mixed for a friend of mine, I used 15 clove, 15 Cypress and 31 wild orange, so roughly 60 drops for an entire batch depending on essential oils used.)

* Or you can use a 4 cup Pyrex measuring cup hooked over the edge of a sauce pan, like I do!

A Victor By Choice

If you’re like me, you are thinking, “I don’t have anxious feelings.”

Because I really don’t in the same way that other people do. You see, when I start to feel like something may be too hard, or that there is somebody lurking just out of my sight, or that one of the scenes from that movie that is stuck in my head will become reality if I fall asleep, I ACTION it away.  I muscle up the courage and I just DO the hard thing.  In fact, I have a whole tribe of people who do those hard things along with me – so much that we have re-named them “heart” things just so we can flip them to a positive way of thinking about them.  I flip on the light.  I grab my huge flashlight (that one that I really could use as a baseball bat) and go find where the noise is coming from.

I write. I go get a drink of water. I move.
I serve. I take action.

Why? Because I have spent hours paralyzed. Literally.  Frozen and afraid to even breathe.

But I am a victor by choice.

I had a friend recently ask me if I had any idea how unusual I am and it took me off guard. How I just instinctively look for solutions and how to have good outcomes even in dire situations? You see, I thought that this way I have learned to respond; how I take action, was just what humans do.

There are two choices in my mind:  take action or be paralyzed. When I am paralyzed, it never gets any better. Her question has brought to the surface a few realizations for me. I am different. I have found solutions. And there are many others who need what I know.

I created this printable for a presentation I did this week.  Download your own here so you can print one for your car, for your mirror, for your desk drawer, for your nightstand or wherever your “life movie” scenes tend to start playing for you.  Put these anywhere it will help you.  It’s an action.  You are a victor by choice. You can do HEART things.

Cheering you on!
